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Daven Seebarran Consulting


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We work with non-profits of all size and stage of development to develop customizable sustainability plans to meet their needs. Our Services Include: Development of multi-year Development Plans, Annual Planning, Fundraising Implementation Coaching, Capital Campaign Management, Board Development and Engagement, Prospect Identification, Donor Cultivation & Stewardship Development of Case for Support, Identifying government and foundation supporters, Corporate Giving Strategies, Social Enterprise Planning and Digital Marketing & Strategic Communications.


Daven Seebarran is a highly skilled leader who has worked extensively in the non-profit sector throughout Canada for the past 15 years. He has over a decade of experience as an executive director with specific expertise in non-profit management, organizational development, fund development, and leadership coaching. As a prolific fundraiser, Daven Seebarran has raised more than $34 million for institutions across Canada. This has been accomplished through grant writing, corporate engagement, individual giving strategies, and special events management.



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